Fenerbaçhe wearing all black uniform to honor earthquake victims in Turkey

As many of us know, almost 47,000 individuals have reportedly been killed by the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6th. Thousands of others are missing, and almost 1,000,000 individuals are living in tents and have had their living conditions completely destroyed because of this disaster.

In their game last Thursday, February 23, they wore new uniforms to show solidarity and support for those affected. This helped bring attention to the issue and raises awareness of the need for support in the affected areas.The team is expressing their support for those affected by the earthquakes through a unified demonstration.

The Turkish basketball cup has been postponed indefinitely - while the Euroleague's last round matches of the Turkish teams were postponed too.

Many top players of Fenerbaçhe auctioned off their signed jerseys to assist with relief organizations, this was organized by player #10 Melih Mahmutoglu.

Have any other Euroleague or basketball teams in the USA done this before to promote/show solidarity to a natural disaster before? When and which team?


  1. After some research, I found that many teams in the USA have promoted solidarity to natural disasters through many different foundations within the MLB, NBA, and NFL. The Golden State Warriors player, Klay Thompson, came up with an idea of pledging $1000 for every point he scored in a sequence of three home games. He encouraged other players to match this as well which was for the wildfires that had struck Northern California. Although the disaster of the earthquake is extremely unfortunate, I found it enlightening that the players of Fenerbache decided to wear all black uniforms in tribute of the havoc it caused. It is so sad to hear that many of the victims are living in tents or are still missing due to this. Along with this, it is also sad that they have had to postpone the basketball cup as well. It is amazing to hear that the players even went as far to auction off autographed jerseys to raise money. I truly think this shows good character and goes beyond the realm of sports. How do you think the actions the players/teams take in the US and Europe reflect to the general public? What does it say about the player/team and their values? How does something beyond the realm of sports directly affect the team in a positive or negative way?

    1. I agree with everything you said here Emily! It shows how much sports players and teams really care about general problems in the world and will use their popularity to spread awareness. When teams do this it is a great look on them in the media and overall.

  2. I really like how Fenerbache did this in support of the earthquake victims. It a great way to show their support and build community. Many US sports team have done similar things to show support when a natural disaster, or loss in their community occurs. Besides changing their jerseys are there other ways they can support the community during this time? I wonder what is needed in Istanbul, Turkey. Stadiums are a great place to house people, store resources, etc. I also believe Fenerbache should do a fundraiser of some supports. I am sure other teams in Euroleague would help out. Has Fenerbache done anything like this?

    1. I totally agree; based on the news I have been reading they have only been promoting awareness through their jerseys. There has not been much released about other types of ways they have tried to release awareness. I think that is a great idea of using the stadium as a way to house indiviuals if they need.

  3. This is one of the parts about sports. Truly great to see a team showing that they are with all people from Turkey. In connection to this situation I do not remember the last time an NBA tea, changed their jerseys or court in aiming to provide relief for a natural disaster, however it has ben quite common for the NBA to promote social justice. Black Lives Matter has been a strong promotion of the NBA for the past few seasons. Is this something seen by European teams?

    1. I agree; when sports teams come together they truly can make such an impact using their resources and their platform to make a change. Based on research, European teams have been vocal in their support of the fight for racial justice and have held moments of silence during games, worn BLM patches on their jerseys, and invited BLM activists to speak at press conferences.

  4. I totally agree with Max, this is what makes sports so awesome. Even In the toughest of times, people can put their differences aside and unify as one around their team. Its a class act honoring all who were affected but such a tragedy. This reminds me of when Sammy Sosa ran around Wrigley Field waving the American flag after the events of 9/11, everyone rallied around each other and came together as one nation.

    1. Exactly, there is so much more to sports and teams than just the actual game; it is ultimately a way to bring together so many people.

  5. Awesome post! Very sad to hear about the thousands of lives that were lost in this earthquake. This is where I think sports can have an impact on a community that has just been through a horrible crisis. This is more than sports. It warms my heart to see that this club goes out of their way to support the people that have been affected by this crisis and letting them know they stand with them and are here for them. Almost like how in the United States with the NBA and NFL standing up for social justice throughout the states.

    1. I agree, it is heart warming to know that there is a completely different side with sports teams helping out and showing solidarity

  6. Hi, great post! I think it's great that Fenerbahce is taking action for such a tragic event. I did some research on instances when the NBA has done something similar. In 2017, the Houston Rockets, led by star player James Harden, donated $4 million to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in the city. Also, In 2018, Olympiacos Piraeus, a Greek basketball team that competes in the Euroleague, wore special jerseys during a game to raise awareness and funds for the victims of the deadly wildfires that swept through Greece that summer. I think it's awesome when these professional teams use their platform to help the community.

    1. Thats great! I did not know that about Greece - great to hear sports teams all around the world create awareness for natural disasters / horrible incidents that happen in their country/team area they play for.

  7. This is a fantastic post, as it is addressing a very selfless action by a organization that typically prioritizes profit. While there have been a few instances in which sports organizations with America promote something, but barely will it be something like a natural disaster. I am curious to what else they could besides change the jersey color. While posting on social media definitely helps spread the news on the media, I wonder what other actions could be taken such as foundation.

    1. Thank you! It's true that many organizations prioritize profit over altruism, so it's great to see them stepping up in times of need. You make a great point about what other actions could be taken besides changing the jersey color.

  8. It's truly admirable that the Fenerbahçe basketball club chose to honor the victims of the earthquake in Turkey by wearing all black uniforms. It's heartwarming to see sports teams use their platform to raise awareness for important causes and show solidarity with those affected by tragedy. This gesture not only pays respect to the lives lost but also serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the Turkish community. It's moments like these that showcase the true power of sports in bringing people together and creating positive change.

    1. I agree It's great to see how sports teams are using their platform to make a difference in the world.this is a great example of how sports can bring people together and help create change.

  9. It is amazing to see that a team is supporting the people in their country. Such tragedies require a lot of support from everyone possible. In the US, there are multiple teams that also helped struggling communities. It shows how strong the Turkish community is. This is such a good look on Fenerbahce. I love this!

    1. Thanks! It's amazing to see the Turkish community come together and do what they can to show solidtary.


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